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Knee Braces

( number of products: 11 )

Knee orthoses


What are knee orthoses


At the beginning of your search for motorcycle clothing, you probably look through helmets, clothes and boots. Only later do you start to pay attention to knee protectors, knee orthoses and stabilizers or chest protectors. 

Some motorcyclists initially say they don't need knee protectors, that they are bulky and limit their range of motion.

However, if you look at professional cross, motocross or enduro riders, you'll notice that every one of them uses knee braces and stabilizers. 

Usual knee protectors, unlike orthoses, only prevent point impacts. An orthosis not only protects against impact, but also prevents the leg from twisting in such a way that a cruciate ligament rupture, for example, could occur.

The orthosis also prevents the leg from twisting in such a way that a cruciate ligament rupture could occur.

Orthoses protect against overpronation, twisting and impact. Ordinary knee protectors only protect against impacts. 

A very large proportion of motorcyclists have injured their knees or propped themselves up so that it is only a miracle that ligaments have not been torn or torn. Motocross riders, due to the nature of the sport, tend to damage the ligaments in their knees. However, this risk drops by practically half when using a knee brace. 

Experiencing a torn knee ligament or other knee injury can be frightening and very painful. An ACL tear can make it difficult to function normally in daily life. After the injury, physiotherapy and, in the worst case, surgery on the knee may be necessary. Post-operative knee orthoses are often recommended. These are at the same time sports orthoses for the ACL knee. Some motorcycle orthoses are actually orthotic orthoses as well.

Based on this, all orthoses and knee stabilizers can prevent injury from occurring.


What does a motocross knee orthosis protect?


The knee joint is made of very resilient bone and cartilage. Problems usually arise when the soft tissues and ligaments are damaged. Wearing an orthosis adds a strong scaffolding to your knee that dissipates force during impact. 

When the soft tissues are damaged, the knee locks up. This happens because the soft tissue and ligaments swell, causing the knee joint to lock and tighten. Then, naturally, most of us try to work through the tension by stretching the knee hard. This procedure can do more damage. If tendons or ligaments are too tight and you receive a blow to the knee, you could end up tearing a tendon or ligament! Worst of all, it can happen with just one single blow. Sound scary? What's more, the worst part is that rehabilitation and repair of soft tissues, ligaments or tendons can take months or even years.


What are the differences between knee pads and knee orthoses and knee stabilizers?


During even theoretically light impacts on the knee joint, ligament or meniscus damage can occur. The motocross knee brace prevents sudden lateral movement and takes over the impact, preventing injury. This means that if you ever prop up your leg insecurely or get your leg under the motorcycle, the enduro orthosis will take over some of the impact and thereby reduce the risk of, for example, rupturing the cruciate ligament.

If you have read this article from the beginning, you already realize that a knee protector only protects against impact. Even hinged knee protectors do not protect against lateral twisting of the knee. The hinge in such protectors only affects the convenience of use and does not improve safety. Therefore, if your leg suddenly moves in an unnatural way, ordinary protectors will not protect you from injury. 

Orthoses are made of sturdy, hard materials, finished with size-adjusting cushions and breathable padding. There is a strange belief that knee orthoses should only be used for torn ligaments or after surgery. This is a misconception, as orthoses can also be used when you don't have knee problems, to prevent the occurrence of a possible injury or trauma.

What to look for when choosing knee orthoses and stabilizers?


There are several main factors in choosing the right knee orthosis. 

First - protection. We recommend choosing orthoses that are certified and proven to reduce the occurrence of injury or trauma. 

Second - adjustment and sizing. When choosing an orthotic, pay attention to the adjustment range of the orthotic's fit. Check if there is enough range of the attachment straps, if it fits well on the leg, if it doesn't press too hard anywhere. Some of the best knee orthoses, such as POD orthoses, have additional sponges to adjust the fit. Also check that the orthoses can be easily and quickly fastened and unfastened. This will maximize your dressing time on the motorcycle. Each manufacturer offers a different range of sizes and a different design of orthoses. For this reason, a size L orthosis from the Leatt brand may be suitable for you, but a size L from the POD brand will already be too small. Therefore, check the size carefully before buying.


Third - comfort. You need to feel comfortable, check that the orthosis doesn't put a lot of pressure on you anywhere. Does it not give the impression that it will rub you. If you already feel that it is pinching you hard in some place when you measure it, you can almost be sure that this will be the first place where it will rub you. 

Fourth - adjustments. If you are looking for a sports orthosis for ACL knee then check out the sections of knee orthoses with adjustable flexion account. Thanks to regulation of the flexion account you will be able to use the orthosis for a knee with torn ligaments or after knee surgery without any problems. 

What technologies are used in knee orthoses and stabilizers?


High-quality materials such as carbon fiber, Kevlar or high-tech rubber are most often used in orthoses. 

Futuristic design is no accident. The orthoses must mimic the exact movement of the leg to be effective. That's why it's no surprise that the orthosis ultimately looks like an android limb. 

How to properly put a knee stabilizer on the knee

  1. Apply the orthosis to the knee - Roll up your pants and put the stabilizer on the knee. Depending on how the orthosis is attached, you should unbuckle the straps or slide the orthosis over your foot and pull it all the way up to your knee.
  2. Take the orthosis off the foot and pull it over the knee.
  3. Centering. You should adjust the orthosis so that it settles well on the knee. Some motocross or enduro orthoses have a special hole in the front to help center the stabilizer. If you have such a hole in your orthosis then you should center the stabilizer so that the kneecap is in this hole. Make sure that no part of your body is squeezed too tightly by the joint orthosis.
  4. .
  5. Belts. Finally, we come to the straps. You should fasten the straps so that they hold the orthosis well on the knee, but you can't do it too tightly. If you squeeze the straps too tightly, it can affect the feeling of discomfort. Try sliding your finger between the orthosis and your leg. If it goes in lightly, it means you have fastened the orthosis too weakly. 

Is it possible to wear knee protectors / orthoses over pants?


If you want the orthosis to work properly, then you need to wear it under your pants. Most manufacturers indicate that the orthosis should be in contact with the knee. The only acceptable additional layer between the knee and the orthosis are special socks dedicated under the orthosis. These socks protect against abrasion and help the orthosis stay properly on the leg. 

Wearing the orthosis or knee pads on top of pants can affect the orthosis sliding and sliding while riding. 

Do professional athletes use knee orthoses?


Yes riders often use motocross orthoses. This is because a serious knee injury could derail their careers. If you follow the profiles of cross or enduro riders well, you will find that they use the best quality knee orthoses.

Should I wear knee orthoses?


We are of the opinion that anyone who rides an offroad motorcycle should wear knee protectors or knee orthoses, offroad boots and a helmet. It is never too early to think about the safety of your knees. It can only be too late. 

This is especially true for those who are involved in extreme varieties of motorcycle sports. 

If you've ever had anything broken and spent some time in a cast, you realize how frustrating immobilization can be. Damage to the knee can be permanent. So do yourself a favor and invest in the right knee orthoses. 

Knee orthoses have quickly become one of the most important pieces of protective gear when riding an enduro motorcycle, right behind a helmet and motocross boots. While some may see them as a luxury reserved for professional riders, motocross knee orthoses really should be a necessity in every rider's gear bag.

We offer orthoses from reputable brands ( ASTERISK , POD , LEATT )
